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Keeping It Fresh!

Friendly Dental Practice in East Austin, TX

At Sunny Days Dental, we prioritize a relationship-centered approach to comprehensive-care dentistry that allows our practice to provide optimal, whole-mouth care suited for each patient’s needs.

Dr. Pamee Shah believes that every person who comes into our dental office deserves to have a positive experience. We understand that going to the dentist can be quite stressful and cause anxiety for some. We have set out to create a calm and relaxed environment to encourage open conversations in order to best accommodate each patient’s specific concerns. Share your needs and concerns with us and we’ll find a solution together. Dr. Shah and the Sunny Days Dental team are highly trained and committed to providing you with the highest quality experience every time.

Patient Testimonials

Group of young people smiling

Flexible Appointments to Fit Your Schedule

Your smile is one of the first things that people notice about you and we can help you take the proper steps to maintain and, potentially even improve it. Seeing your Austin dentist (Dr. Shah!) regularly for check-ups and cleanings can help ensure your teeth, gums, and the overall oral condition is healthy. We offer flexible appointment times, sedation, financing options, and absolutely welcome walk-ins and same-day treatment.

Come and visit East Austin’s most gentle and caring dental practice. Dr. Shah will take care of everyday dental needs and hygiene for you and the family, along with helping you achieve the attention-getting smile you were born to wear. Give us a call now at 512-539-0093 now to make an appointment!

Contact Us

Sunny Days Dental

1154 Lydia Street, Ste. 100
Austin, TX 78702

Phone: 512-539-0093


Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Tuesday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Thursday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Book Appointment

Sunny Days Dental, Lydia Street, Austin, TX, USA

Uncover Your Smile Today!

Convenient Location
Early / Late Hours
Same Day Appointments
Walk-Ins Welcome
Personalized Attention
Soothing & Calm Practice Environment
Most Insurances Accepted